I am a child of God. A wife. A mother. A writer. A hot mess express who’s just thankful when my kids leave the house in matching shoes.
I still think of myself as seventeen but in all reality, I’m not and my body likes to remind me of that fact as I lay my back on the heating pad at the end of the day.
In all honesty, I am glad I am no longer seventeen. I overcame my most awkward and timid teen years, caring all too much how those around me viewed me to embrace who I am as an adult with my perfect imperfections.
Who I am, is enough for God which makes who I am enough for everyone else, including myself.
I have found passion in expressing my heart through these letters that form words which turn into my posts. Writing I pray that God will use to encourage the confused teen, the struggling adult, the uncertain mother, weary ministry wife and any and all else who may run across my corner of the internet.
God is magnificent and loving and I haven’t been called to quietly proclaim his goodness! I have been unworthily, redeemed. The best part is His grace shows favor to all and turns away no one.
My prayer is that I will do no less.
Sarah Allen